Monday, April 18, 2016

Paducah scenes revisited

These photos appeared in a post on a previous blog, but I'm reposting so you don't have to go back and forth to see the finished pieces of the railroad. The three hotels pictured here are not prototypical to Paducah; however, the names are authentic to that western Kentucky city.

Left to right are the Hotel Paducah, the Irvin Cobb Hotel, and the Jackson House. The park in front is Noble Park, also a name authentic to Paducah.

Another view of the hotels, the street in front, and a fourth building housing a business yet to be named.

This is the Freytag Engine Shop, in my mind the signature structure on the layout. It was built by the late Dean Freytag, MMR, specifically for the P&LE, and is thought to be the last major project by the iconic modeler.

The Tortoise and SwitchMaster turnout motors on the P&LE are controlled by IntuiSwitches, developed by Shelly Levy of the Kansas City area. They are push button and lighted route switches, and my primary reason for using them is they are flush mounted. The upper photo shows a custom-made yard panel; the lower photo is of two individual machines.

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